
The MuscleTesting.com organization provides books and educational posters through our publishing label, Vitruvian Press, as well as health and longevity consultations in a clinical setting. We promote a worldwide understanding of the science of muscle testing in all its applications; our intent is create global awareness and perhaps, give people hope about their health in times of chaos such as these.  

You are invited to participate by signing up for our blog page or by reading Leonard’s books.

Leonard Carter is the director of MuscleTesting.com based in Vancouver, Canada. His specialties are diverse, ranging from organ physiology, biomechanics, molecular nutrition, organic chemistry, parasite microbiology, waveform physics and advanced, nonlinear mathematics to classical languages, literary history, logic, politics, philosophy and the history of science. He has completed ground-breaking work in metal toxicity analysis, permanent food allergy elimination, established the relationship between parasites and autoimmune conditions like celiac and anaphylactic shock, and has made some interesting progress in a branch of mathematics known as infinite nonlinear dynamics (popularly called chaos theory) along with a series of solutions in bioelectrodynamics that have implications for a number of modern sciences, from pharmacology to bacteriology and parasitology.

Leonard is the author of Experiments in Muscle Testing, Book 1 of The Complete Muscle Testing Series, a first-in-history 36 book set about muscle testing applications in various health and philosophical issues. Experiments in Muscle Testing is available from Vitruvian Press. 4, 21. Here is a link to an article that outlines the table of contents.

Leonard is the founder of Vitruvian Training, a former Canadian provider of biomechanics-based muscle testing courses. He is a certified muscle testing practitioner and seminar instructor with 20 years of experience working with organizations and individuals across Canada and internationally. 

In a therapeutic setting, his specialties include consulting with people who experience conditions such as chronic pain, metal toxicities, food allergies (gluten, dairy, soy, nuts, fish), digestive issues, celiac disease, arthritic conditions, brain fog, sinus issues, migraines, sleep disorders, parasitosis and others.  

The Experiments in Muscle Testing blog has a number of helpful articles. Their aim is to present stimulating material in an entertaining, cogent fashion that clarifies the uncertainty surrounding a number of health conditions.

Muscle Testing was first developed in the 1960s by the medical visionary George Goodheart, honoured by Time Magazine as one of the Top 100 Alternative Medicine Innovators of the 20th Century.

After Goodheart, muscle testing diverged into 3 pathways: The spiritual, the esoteric, and the clinical.

Spiritual muscle testing, called Truth Testing, was made famous by Dr. David Hawkins, the author of Power versus Force and several other books, including Eye of the I and Truth versus Falsehood. These works should stand among the most important philosophical and spiritual writings in all of human history. They are a must-read, but two things should be noted: 1) Leonard Carter, MuscleTesting.com, and VitruvianPress.com are not affiliated in any way with the late Dr. Hawkins, nor his publishing label, www.VeritasPub.com; and 2) Leonard neither uses nor endorses Truth Testing. It is not verifiable according to the modern scientific method.

Esoteric Muscle Testing is the type used by practitioners like Dr. John Diamond, an original student of George Goodheart’s. Dr. Diamond became famous in the 1980s for publishing books such as Life Energy (Diamond, 1985) and Your Body Doesn’t Lie (Diamond, 1989). A primary focus in these works is an exploration of the effect of colors, art and music on human bioelectricity (e.g., the bioelectric field, the phenomenon in physics that muscle testing is evaluating).

Clinical Muscle Testing, sometimes called Applied Kinesiology, was largely formalized by another of Goodheart’s students, Dr. David Leaf through his international seminars, and in his 827-page book AK Flowcharts. Leaf has been instrumental in formalizing clinical muscle testing as a therapeutic modality.

Leonard’s Muscle Testing: Leonard, as stated, does not employ Truth Testing and while esoteric applications of muscle testing are interesting, they aren’t overly useful. Also, the clinical applications of muscle testing to muscular inhibition alone are extensively limited, since treating an inhibited muscle (the content) fails to address the environment in which the muscle became inhibited (the context, such as parasites in the host).

To solve this disconnect, Leonard has created a New Science of Muscle Testing that involves the application of truth-functional logic to the interpretation of binary muscle testing data. This required a synthesis of a number of separate fields: pharmacology, parasite biology and microbiology, bacteriology, organic chemistry, fungal biology and virology, molecular nutrition, medical physiology, internal medicine and applications in waveform physics, advanced mathematics (specifically nonlinear mathematics), electrical engineering, a branch of chemical engineering called bioelectrochemical engineering that he has developed unique applications in, and to tie this all together, clinical experimentation. It is not common for one person to have an academic grasp of such a diversity of topics or to be able to draw synthetic conclusions about relationships between them. The ability to do so is called polymathy and Leonard is an unusual polymath with respect to the number and diversity of these specialities.

Leonard originally learned muscle testing from one of David Leaf’s students, but he is also familiar with John Diamond’s works, so he might be considered the 3rd or 4th generation after Goodheart, depending on who’s keeping track… The result is that Leonard uses David Leaf-style clinical muscle testing to draw what might be considered John Diamond-style esoteric conclusions, but the similarities end there. Leonard’s health philosophy is based on drawing practical conclusions about the relationship between parasites and medical conditions, with a strong focus on the potential for electromagnetic waveforms to replicate the action of pharmaceutical agents to bypass the dosage toxicity problem in treating parasites.

Using frequencies to treat parasites might be summarized by the term ‘Rife’Frequencies’ but for a number of reasons relating back to problems in chaos mathematics that Royal Rife couldn’t solve, Rife Frequencies and their associated devices (e.g., Rife Machines, parasite zappers) are not clinically effective.

Leonard’s health philosophy is summarized in a teaching tool that he has developed over the years called The Health Ladder: A guide to symptoms and their root causes.

The Health Ladder provides a unified theory of health, perhaps the most comprehensive in human history. The reader is invited to adopt The Health Ladder as an effective way of thinking about their own health issues. For an explanatory article about The Health Ladder, view this page.