2. Frequency Therapy Sessions- 2 Hrs

While the Initial Assessment provides a muscle testing analysis of your symptomatic location, Frequency Therapy is designed to address what has been identified in the assessment.

Frequency Therapy

This is a comfortable process where you sit in a treatment room and wait for the frequency to take effect. These frequencies are wireless (touch-free) and painless (completely non-invasive). While the frequencies are running, you can sit in a chair and do what you like: read, listen to music, watch a video on your phone or tablet, or have a nap on the testing table in the room.

Multiple family members sometimes choose to sit in the same room. This doesn’t alter the effectiveness or the cost per person, but it can be more fun to share the experience with someone and saves time.

Frequencies work based on the familiar principle of resonant frequency. The best known example is a sound wave coming into resonant frequency with a wine glass. Over time, micro-fractures in the glass from its being stressed beyond its comfortable limits cause it to shatter. In a clinical setting, after about a 2 hr duration, the frequency has done its job.

Technically what is happening gets into biophysics and microbiology. In the context of parasites, the frequency, essentially a sound wave that you can’t hear, matches the cycling rate of atoms in the transmembrane proteins of protozoans, microscopic worms (filaria and blood worms) and macroscopic parasites (flukes, roundworms and tapeworms). Over a 2 hour duration, the parasitic organisms appear to die, probably due to their metabolic processes shutting down as the transmembrane proteins stop doing their jobs, such as transporting calcium ions or glucose molecules. It is important to note that it is the transmembrane proteins of the parasites that are shutting down, not yours.

The logical feedback loop to conclude that the treatment has been effective is that before a session of frequency therapy, all of these organisms can show up in a muscle test. Afterward, they no longer show up. Logically, if they are no longer showing up, they must be dead, and since the only stimulus that was introduced was a frequency, it appears that the frequency has eliminated them. This has been confirmed over thousands of hours of trial and error, and is cross referenced with a percentage of people that have passed organisms that are visible to the eye (most are microscopic). Coincident with this, a percentage of symptoms resolve, sometimes instantaneously, sometimes over the following week. Thus the bulk of the evidence indicates that when frequencies are introduced correctly, they can be effective at eliminating parasites.

This is safe for a person in the same way that it is safe to sit in the same room as a wine glass that is being shattered by a speaker. Like a wine glass, the resonant frequency of parasites is so much different from that of a human that the stimulus that is terminal to them is harmless to you.

It is important to understand that not all medical symptoms are caused by a parasite. Some can be caused by bacteria, viruses or some congenital issue. In those cases, using a frequency on a parasite may not resolve the symptom. Frequency therapy cannot predict the elimination of a symptom, only the elimination of whatever parasites may be living in a host.

In the past, throughout Leonard’s development of the frequency therapy process, appointments have taken varying amounts of time, from 1 hours to 10 hrs. The objective has always been to find the best combination of the shortest treatment possible with the most effective treatment possible and the necessary minimum duration has fluctuated over the years. This actually varies very little from one person to the next since we all share the same biology and play host to the same basic group of parasites but as Leonard’s understanding of the process has evolved, the effectiveness has increased.

In its current form, Frequency Therapy has optimal at a 2 hr duration.

For more information on the history of Leonard’s development of Frequency Therapy, read this article.

For a better understanding of Leonard’s philosophy of health, take a look at The Health Ladder, and also (new!), The Health Ladder for Viruses.  It is also recommended that you familiarize yourself with Leonard’s Book 1: Experiments in Muscle Testing. You can get a nice quality hardcover at Vitruvian Press for about $45 (includes shipping) or the softcover on Amazon for $20. It has remained in the top 3 Best Sellers on Amazon.ca in the category of parasitology since its release in 2021.

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