What is Frequency Therapy?

Frequency Therapy is a simple, efficient way to target parasites. It cannot offer a guarantee, and should only be considered as an alternative to a standard, Western allopathic approach to treatment.

As always, if you have any medical concerns, your first recourse should be to consult a physician.

Frequency Therapy entails a 2 hr treatment. It provides a safe, non-invasive alternative to other antiparasitic protocols such as medicinal herbs and parasite medication.

To understand the benefit of Frequency Therapy, the challenges of the other treatment modalities are presented below:

1. Medicinal Herbs: challenges

  • In general, around 1% effective.
  • Need to be consumed up to 3x/day.
  • Need to be taken for weeks or months.
  • No single herb treats all parasites so you need to know how to connect the dots between your parasite and your herb. In this way you might need to take 8 to 10 different herbs at different quantities for differing lengths of time. It becomes a lifestyle, and not a particularly tasty one.
  • The main reason they are around 1% effective is that they’re not concentrated enough.

2. Parasite Medications: challenges

  • Never 100% effective
  • They can have side effects (vomiting, nausea, etc)
  • In Canada, the USA and many other countries, most medications require a prescription
  • Getting a prescription requires a stool test which is usually inconclusive (here’s why)
  • Doctors will be uncomfortable recommending the amount of pills a muscle testing analysis indicates you need, so you may not even get a prescription
  • Prescription prices are extremely high: can vary from $800 and $25,000 for a full course of medications covering 8 to 10 different parasites
  • Ordering medications from overseas discount providers is not reliable, not necessarily safe and can take months for delivery
  • Most parasites need to be treated at a dosage of medication that is not safe to take
  • Parasite medications generally do not cross the blood-brain barrier, or penetrate deep organ tissues, and so are ineffective against many organisms

Until now, these two options have been the only options in trying to eliminate a parasite.

Frequency Therapy solves these issues

Frequency Therapy:

  • Immediate Results (works by the end of the treatment in most cases)
  • Safe (doesn’t contain any harmful waves such as microwaves, ultrasound, radio or UV)
  • Effective in eliminating parasites if it is implemented correctly.
  • Time efficient: Can happen in one sitting.

Frequency Therapy bypasses problems with other treatments such as:

  • Symptoms/side effects
  • Prescription medicines causing symptoms
  • Needing to get parasites medically diagnosed via inconclusive lab testing
  • Wait time to order medications
  • Expense of medications
  • Time needed to take medications
  • Wait time for a follow up appointment to see if the medications worked

How Frequency Therapy Works

Frequencies in this case are produced by a stack of commercially approved function generators. They produces multiple sounds that are below the ultrasound range and thus not a medically restricted stimulus. The frequency is amplified in the ultra-low voltage range and is thus completely safe for your body. These frequencies are tailored to match the resonating frequency of certain parasite species. Over a 2 hour period, this leads to a state of terminal frequency for the organisms.

There may not be evidence of the organisms being passed in a bowel movement. They may digest, they may pass but not be seen, or they may not even be in the intestines (you would be hard-pressed to poop out a lung parasite). You can get parasites in any organ. Anyone interested in quantifying whether parasites have passed in their bowel movement is invited to use a disposable strainer and rinse their feces for the two days following their visit. Pictures of clean, rinsed parasites are welcome, and can be brought back into the clinic for evaluation at no additional charge. They may even make their way into a blog article like this one, or this one. However, anyone that sends Leonard a picture of their feces, with parasites or otherwise, will have their future booking rights revoked.

Using frequency generators to eradicate parasites is not a new idea (e.g. handheld parasite zappers on eBay) but the distinctions that have been made in this context eliminate the guesswork typical with this technology and allow it to work in a reliable, predictable fashion.

The frequency is safe for all ages and symptoms, since it is based in the spectrum of sound (translated into an inaudible electric current) and contains none of the harmful waveforms that would be of medical concern (microwaves, ultrasound, radio or UV).

For a more detailed write up the development of this technology, you are encouraged to read through Leonard’s book, Experiments in Muscle Testing, where all of your questions will be answered in detail.