Dismantling the Architecture of a Gluten Allergy

The thinking of the world is that gluten allergies and celiac disease are permanent. My experience is that they are temporary and can be resolved once you eliminate the parasites that cause them. The purpose of this article is to examine the two thought processes—the worlds, and mine—so that you can make up your own mind once you have more of the facts.


My original interest in this was that in my early 20’s I developed a gluten allergy. This became progressively more severe until I had an anaphylactic response when I was exposed to the smallest amount of it. The symptoms included an instant skin rash on the face and then within a couple minutes I couldn’t breathe. Both symptoms lasted for the day at least.

To say that it was inconvenient and debilitating wouldn’t be an adequate description. It was so severe that I felt it was necessary to devote my attention to finding a solution to the problem to the exclusion of all other pursuits or interests. There was a solution but it ended up taking almost 15 years to find. That process is outlined in the 3-part article series published a couple years back: Be free from gluten allergies for life.

Once I had successfully eliminated my own gluten allergy, my next thought was to find a way to share this with other people but I came up against something I hadn’t anticipated: many people weren’t open to the idea that their gluten allergy could be resolved because, it seemed to me, they were too bought into the thinking of the world, which is that a gluten allergy is permanent.

The Thinking of the World

There are 3 main theories about why a gluten allergy (and by extension, any allergy) is incurable. Actually there is a 4th theory, autoimmune, but it’s neither a theory nor an explanation, just a blanket term that applies to anything we don’t understand about the immune system, so I don’t include it in the top 3 theories. Let’s examine these quickly so we can spend 10% of our focus on the problem and 90% on the solution.

  1. Overconsumption: The proposal is that it’s your own fault you’ve got an allergy because you’ve eaten too much of the stuff. The argument is that eating something 2-3x/day for years will eventually lead to an allergy because our ancestors had a more varied diet. Underlying this is the prevalent belief that, let’s face it, gluten is somehow bad for us, somehow immoral. Made infamous by books like Wheat Belly is the idea that whether from an unnatural diet or the more insidious modern GMO issue, wheat is the real problem.
  2. Leaky Gut: The proposal, only a theory and never proven, is that some molecules of the gluten protein have leaked through the intestinal lining, which has somehow become semi-permeable, into the bloodstream. Once there, the immune system has marked them as a foreign body so that now, every time the person eats gluten they get an immune system response. The argument is that certain immune system markers are elevated when celiacs eat gluten so there is evidence of immunological activity, and everyone knows there is no way to undo the immune system once it has made up its mind about something.
  3. Liver, Gall Bladder and Pancreatic Enzymes: The proposal is that you are not producing the enzymes necessary to break down the gluten protein. The argument, simplified greatly, is that if you were, you would be.

None of these theories will stand up to logical examination but refuting them logically misses the point: they’re not logical explanations of a theoretical problem, they’re rhetorical explanations of an emotionally charged issue.

The emotion of the situation is that people want to eat gluten but they can’t; it’s in everything so they can’t eat normal food or go out to restaurants with their friends; they have to eat unhealthy, high-glycemic white rice gluten-free products that mostly taste like cardboard. They feel sick every time they’re exposed to gluten, even a bit of flour in a soup; sick, unhealthy and afraid. To be stuck in a life sentence with these symptoms is a horrible feeling, I’ve been there. This is what is supposed to be incurable. That’s the thinking of the world and the world can’t be uplifted by logic so there’s no point debating it logically.

The above theories are completely wrong but the problem they point at is a real problem for millions of people, and it needs a real solution. It doesn’t need to be named or explained or logically analyzed, it needs to be solved.

My Experience

My experience can be put very simply: after years of experimentation it became apparent that my gluten allergy was being caused by about 20 intestinal flukes. I know this because I took prescription fluke medicine, passed about 20 intestinal flukes, saw them, and from that day on I have been able to eat gluten.

The image below is a reminder or what a fluke looks like; they can live inside you for decades and are adapted to survive in every organ. Mine were in the small and large intestines.

My experience gives rise to a philosophical problem as it contradicts the thinking of the world, which is basically that rhetorical explanations (e.g. a gluten allergy or celiac is an autoimmune disease) can act as placeholders for medical conditions we know nothing about and can’t cure. When one of these conditions is finally proven to be curable, it changes things for everyone else who has that condition. The power of the message almost can’t be understated: it is now possible, at least, that they don’t have to be sick anymore.

The event of a single cure in a world where nothing is thought to be curable goes on to raise other questions: are any other conditions curable? Is it possible for more people to be free from illness?

These were the questions I asked after I had resolved my own gluten allergy and very practically, I wanted to know if what I had done in my own case was reproducible for other people.


And at the outset, what worked for me was only working for other people about 20% of the time. 80% Of the time it wasn’t working.

Specifically, I had taken fluke medicine, praziquantel, at a dosage of 11 pills (600mg each) once a day for 2 days, which treats intestinal fluke. But when other celiacs got a prescription from their doctor for that number of pills and tried it, it was only working 1 time out of 5. I wanted to understand why it wasn’t working every time so I started muscle testing parasite medicines against organ locations relative to food allergies. Unbelievably, no major work had been done in this field so I took 2 years and created a rough science around the topic.

My findings, relative to this issue, can be summarized by what is called a Confirmation Triangle. For a more detailed explanation of the Confirmation Triangle, please review this article. A rough summary is as follows:

If Parasite Medicine (Praz 11) muscle tests against an Organ (the stomach), and
If an Organ (stomach) muscle tests against an Allergen (gluten), and
If the Allergen (gluten) muscle tests against Parasite Medicine (Praz 11), then
we can infer a direct relationship between the three, kind of like the 3 sides of a triangle. There are actually a series of inferences we can draw from this particular triangle but the relevant inference is that there appears to be an intestinal fluke in the stomach causing a gluten allergy.

This is not merely relevant, it is life changing. For someone serving a life sentence in the prison of a gluten allergy, it means that they can understand which parasite they need to kill to make their allergy go away.

Imagine that: you take one handful of pills and no more life-long food allergy, even if it’s as serious and famously incurable as celiac. So why isn’t everyone doing it?

Well, it’s not that simple as I found out. In the 2 years I took to create the science of muscle testing parasite medications against parasites and food allergies, one of the main patterns I noticed was that almost every parasite needs its own unique dose (quantity) of parasite medicine, and there are thousands of parasites. How would you know which dose to take? And of which medicine? Simply put: you wouldn’t, which is why people don’t go around curing themselves of celiac by taking parasite medications. That worked for me but remember, I didn’t get lucky, I experimented for 15 years before I got it right.

Once I realized that different people would muscle test for different doses of different parasite medicines relative to their gluten allergy, that got my results up from 20% to about 30% but this was still too low and a problem emerged that taking the medications wouldn’t solve: dosage toxicity.

Praziquantel 11 means 11 pills of Praziquantel (which is fluke medicine), but someone might also randomly test for Praz 12, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 33, 50, 75, 100 and indeed praziquantel can be muscle tested at different quantities against different locations all the way up to about 1500 pills. It is not the case that all those values will test against gluten on the Confirmation Triangle, but some will and with celiacs, almost always more than one value will show up. This means celiacs have more than one parasite that A-needs praziquantel and B-is causing their condition. Considering the standard prescription is 2 to 11 pills, 1500 pills is an astronomical quantity. About 70% of all celiacs will muscle test for values of praziquantel (in their gluten Confirmation Triangle) that are above the safe dose, and since it’s not safe to take more than about 33 Praz, it almost seems like a theoretical solution (e.g. I may get better if I took praz 1500 but I can’t take that many so I’ll never know if celiac is curable or not).

The same pattern expresses itself with Albendazole (hookworm medicine), where the standard dosage is 2 x 200mg but different locations will muscle test for values of 2, 3, 5, 10, 20 and 30. I think the max value I have seen for Alb is 30 x 200mg but that’s still 15 times the standard dose and certainly not safe to take. Again, not all those values will test against gluten on the Confirmation Triangle but some do.

The pattern reoccurs with Mebendazole (roundworm medicine) where the standard dosage is 1 x 100mg pill, and some doctors will prescribe as many as 2 pills or 4 pills. I used muscle testing to identify mebendazole values at 5, 8, 10, 15, 30, 60, 100, 1000, 2000 and right up to 7000 pills. This quantity is 7000 times the standard dosage and again, completely impossible to take–you couldn’t even eat 7000 Cheerios let alone pills of prescription medication. When a celiac muscle tests for mebendazole values above about 10 pills (3x/day) for their Confirmation Triangle for gluten, there is no way they can take those pills.

A rough summary of what I’m proposing so far is that parasites cause celiac. A rough summary of the world’s response to that is that IF parasites caused celiac, THEN taking parasite medication would resolve celiac and SINCE it doesn’t work that way, THEREFORE parasites must not cause celiac. We can now see the flaw in this reasoning: the expression “taking parasite medication” sounds like a static thing but there are thousands of possible combinations of parasite medicines and most of them are above the safe dose so you can’t take them after all, even if you knew you needed to.

Therefore if you’re hoping to take parasite medication to resolve your gluten or celiac issues, your chances that it will work are very low.

New Science

I became aware of this impasse years ago and asked a question that at the time I thought was simple. You know that at the nuclear level, nothing touches anything else, right? So a medication isn’t ever touching you, it’s just propagating an electric charge at the cellular level. If the medication isn’t touching us anyway, I wondered, might there be a way to reproduce the electromagnetic action of the medication at the cellular level using a frequency generator?

I thought this would be a quick 1-week project so I took a week off to look into it. It wasn’t a 1-week project… 3 Years later, here’s my feedback: yes.

This is the new science of BioElectroMagnetism, and the application I’m focused on is using frequencies to reproduce the action of the parasite medication without actually needing to take the medicine. 1 Year into my research (so, 2 years ago) I published this article, summarizing my progress. You’re welcome to read it, but it is now 2 years out of date and completely obsolete. I have ended up doing some pioneering work in math and chemistry that doesn’t appear to have been done before, probably because nobody has tried to use a frequency to bring about a state where a body was no longer muscle testing for a dose of parasite medication relative to a food allergy and finally came up against a series of problems that could only be solved by unique applications of math and chemistry. This is such a specific question that I think it’s possible nobody has ever actually asked it before. Even the inventor of frequencies, Royal Rife, was neither muscle testing nor using the Confirmation Triangle nor looking at food allergies nor using prescription parasite medications, and for the record that’s probably why his work fizzled out and didn’t go anywhere. He also wasn’t using the forms of math and chemistry I’ve invented and without them even I couldn’t make it work.

Anyway, long story short, I can’t teach you a new science in a 10-minute blog article but I can answer three important questions:

Q1: Is it possible to use a frequency to bring about a state where the body no longer muscle tests for the doses of parasite medication (that appear, when using the Confirmation Triangle, to be the cause of a gluten allergy)?
A: Yes, it is possible.

The question that follows, Q2: if this is done, does the allergy resolve?
A: Yes, the allergy resolves.

The final question, Q3: What percentage of the time is it successful?
A: 49 out of 50, so 98% successful. The 1 out of 50 cases it doesn’t work on has a parasite the frequency can’t eliminate yet for reasons that wouldn’t make sense in such a short article, but which have to do with field strength.

There are layers of complexity to the actual scientific explanation. We don’t have enough room to go into them and even if we did, a blog article isn’t the right context to introduce complex scientific information. Explaining it partly and leaving gaps would undermine rather than enhance credibility and if you’re like most people, it would go over your head as it delves deeply into waveform physics, nuclear chemistry and chemical engineering. It needs to be explained fully in the context of several books, which are in the works.

However, the absence of an adequate scientific explanation shouldn’t stop us from being able to take a look at some examples of the solution.


To be able to resolve a gluten allergy, you need a way to know that you have one, otherwise you won’t be able to quantify when it’s gone. Using the symptoms won’t work because they’re far too subjective. This is where the confirmation triangle comes in and it is why we need to muscle test specific doses of parasite medications.

Example 1: We have already seen example 1 above, that was me. In this case only Praz 11 was indicating against gluten in the small intestine, so we would express that as Gluten = Praz 11/small intestine.

Example  2:
Gluten = Praz 11/small intestine
Gluten = Praz 18/esophagus
Gluten = Praz 20/large intestine
Gluten = Meb 45/small intestine

We can see in this case that the person has 4 different parasites in multiple locations causing their gluten issues. All 4 would need to be eliminated for them to experience a complete resolution to their allergy and since they couldn’t take Meb 45, medication would not fully resolve their reactivity to gluten.

Example  3:
Gluten = Praz 11/large intestine
Gluten = Praz 20/stomach
Gluten = Praz 75/small intestine
Gluten = Praz 450/small intestine
Gluten = Meb 1000/small intestine
Gluten = Meb 3500/small intestine
Gluten = Alb 8/small intestine

Here’s an interesting question: who would you guess had worse symptoms from eating gluten, the person in example 3 or the previous person in example 2? It was example 3 because they have 7 parasite species instead of only 4. Remember, the number of pills doesn’t tell us how many organisms there are, just that we have found a unique species. The location on the other hand suggests where the bulk of the symptoms will be. In this case it is predominantly in the small intestine. They experience uncomfortable bloating and within 15 minutes, urgent diarrhea, both of which resolved when the parasite medication indicators (e.g. Praz 11, 20, 75, etc.) were eliminated.

Example  4:
Gluten = Praz 11/small intestine
Gluten = Praz 33/stomach
Gluten = Praz 300/small intestine
Gluten = Praz 600/small intestine
Gluten = Praz 850/stomach
Gluten = Meb 100/stomach
Gluten = Meb 2500/stomach
Gluten = Meb 5500/stomach

This person’s symptom was vomiting when they had gluten. That makes sense, since 5 of their 8 gluten-loving parasites were in their stomach. The body will evacuate the parasite feces by the nearest exit. Why digest it if you don’t need to? But look at the doses of their parasite medication indicators: only the Praz 11 and 33 are safe doses, the rest are in fact lethal doses. This type of person will not only state that they have tried medications without success, they would also most likely have had a violent reaction to the medications, since taking an insufficient dose would have poked everything they had and eliminated almost none of it. This is a reiteration of the fact that we can use the parasite medication to find the parasite, but not always to treat it. Without the science of BioElectroMagnetism, how else could this person ever hope to eliminate these organisms?


In this section I will present a narrative-form explanation of the process I observe when a gluten allergy or celiac condition is being eliminated using a frequency.

This is based on Example 3 above. Remember that their symptom was diarrhea within 15 minutes of gluten consumption.

Hour 0 to 1: We find that the Confirmation Triangle indicates that both Praz 11 and Alb 8 test against gluten. We can infer from this that there is a fluke and some hookworms, because that’s what those medications treat. At the beginning of hour 0 they test very negatively for gluten. The frequency begins and continues for the hour. At the end of the hour the medications are no longer testing as being needed, and gluten itself no longer provokes a negative muscle testing response, it now tests positive and it appears that the person can eat gluten so they try a little bite of it. Eliminated: Praz 11, Alb 8

Hour 1 to 2: Within a minute of gluten consumption, a muscle test indicates that it’s testing weak again. A set of muscle tests using the Confirmation Triangle as the interpretation matrix confirms that the parasites from the previous round, Alb 8 and Praz 11 are no longer testing, but now a new medication value shows up: Praz 20. For a number of reasons it makes sense to interpret this as a new organism. The treatment continues. Around the 30-45 minute mark, a retest indicates that gluten is testing strong again (strong/clear/positive/okay to eat, etc). The person again has a bite. Within a minute, gluten is testing weak again. Redoing the Confirmation Triangle now indicates Praz 75. The treatment continues. Eliminated: Praz 20

Hour 2 to 3: 15 Minutes in, gluten is testing clear again and now the Confirmation Triangle indicates Meb 1000. This persists into the 4th hr of treatment. Eliminated: Praz 75

Hour 3 to 4: In quick succession, Meb 1000 tests clear, the person eats some gluten, after a minute it muscle tests weak again, the Confirmation Triangle now indicates Praz 450, this resolves in 15-30 minutes, they muscle test clear for gluten again and have some more. There is a bit of a delay now but at the 5-minute mark gluten tests weak and Meb 3500 shows up. This resolves quickly, in about 15 minutes. We have reached the 4 hr mark. They are muscle testing strong for gluten and upon waiting 10, 15, 20 minutes, there is no further weak muscle testing response. They appear to be fine. Eliminated: Meb 1000, Praz 450, Meb 3500

The whole process has taken 4 hours. It was a comfortable experience, they were sitting in a chair reading a book or playing on their phone.

The person in Example 3 has now eaten an entire gluten sandwich or it’s equivalent in quantity. From the first bite of gluten it has now been 3 hours and they are 2 hours and 45 minutes overdue for a diarrheal trip to the bathroom. There is simply no symptom at all, they feel fine. Most people take some time to process a surreal sense of stunned disbelief and then they’re happy, and make plans to go out for pizza.

The most common questions are: Q: Does it last? A: Yes, indefinitely. Well, 98% of the time, anyway.

And Q: Does it come back? A: Well, Alb 8, Praz 11, 20, 75, 450, Meb 1000 and 3500 will never come back in exactly that combination because it took you a lifetime to pick those up, but perhaps many years down the road you will pick up more parasites that randomly happen to cause a gluten allergy. Now you’ll know not to call it a gluten allergy, instead you’ll call it what it is: a parasite. And parasites are relatively simple to treat once you know what you’re dealing with.


Many people that have gone through this process enter into it half expecting it not to work because it is unbelievable that something as debilitating as years of suffering from a gluten allergy or celiac could be resolved by something so simple as sitting down in a room with a frequency and chewing away at a piece of bread. To the rational mind, it just shouldn’t work.

But why not? At the atomic level, nothing is touching anything else. A pill of parasite medication never touches you. It isn’t touching your hand, only hovering near the skin by the repulsive electromagnetic forces. It isn’t touching your tongue, that’s just electrical impulses firing off your sensory nerves. It doesn’t touch your stomach, your circulatory system or the parasites. Nothing touches anything because the electrons are too far away from each other. The role of a medication is to propagate an electric charge at the cellular level. It’s just an electric charge…a frequency.

Why can’t a frequency from a function generator reproduce that charge? My feedback, having successfully worked out how to do so, is that it comes down to getting the math right. As I mentioned above, the specificity of the problems I’ve been working on are such that there’s a chance nobody has ever asked precisely these questions before. I’m sure lots of people could have got the math right but maybe nobody has actually tried to because they didn’t think it would work…

Throughout this article I have referenced the thinking of the world, but the world doesn’t think for itself. The world is only an idea averaged across groups of people. Only you can think for yourself. It hasn’t been my purpose here to try to change your thinking about all illness as that is too big of a goal, there are too many variables and it’s not realistic.

But perhaps this has changed your perspective on what you think is possible with gluten allergies and celiac: they are supposed to be incurable problems, but now hundreds of people that used to suffer from them are eating gluten every day and I’m one of them. To me, that math seems pretty straightforward.